The Export feature provides you with the ability to export all your order-related data. This topic covers the process of exporting order data.

Previous exports can be viewed in the Orders > Activity Log page. You can download previous export files from this page.


Ensure that you have the Orders & Inventory Editor or Admin privilege for fabric Orders. For more information, see the Role-Based Access Control section.

Export logic

Exporting downloads a zip folder containing a JSON source file or multiple CSV files depending on the option you select.


The JSON zip folder contains a single JSON file. The JSON file contains objects for each orderId. Each order object contains the entire history and information of an order including the SKUs for each item in the order.


The CSV zip folder contains CSV files for orders (exported by item), adjustments, appeasements, discounts, logs, notes, payments, and shipInfo.

Each row in the order CSV file represents a product in the order. If an order contains multiple products, duplicate orderId rows are displayed for each product.

The following table outlines each column in the order CSV file and provides example values. Values in the CSV file are populated only if the data is available.

Column nameDescriptionExample value
orderIdThe 24-character system-generated order ID.65c0e0d07044e34a495a05c8
orderNumberA merchant-defined order identifier. If omitted, this is generated by fabric’s sequence generator using the configuration service.6250002317
versionThe current version of the order. The number displayed indicates the number of times the order is updated by any operation.11
orderedAtThe merchant-defined order creation time (UTC).2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z
cancelledAtThe system-generated order cancellation time (UTC).2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z
allocatedAtThe system-generated order allocation time (UTC).2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z
channelIdThe merchant-defined sales channel ID.WHBM
cartIdThe unique cart identifier, either from fabric cart service or an external cart service. It’s used for linking an order to a specific cart.5f2d15e8-a837-41a3-9bf1-4467e8e1893a
typeThe order type.WEB
subtypeThe order subtype. This is used if further classification is required.ANDROID
processNameOrder process name (V2) only.
employeeIdThe employee (ID or name) who initiated the request.3213123
retailDetermines if an order was created from a Point-of-Sale system.true
orderSubTotalRecalculated orderSubtotal - summationOfAll(itemSubTotal).24.55
originalSubtotalA system-generated order subtotal, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed. This is saved for reference in case the value changes later.24.55
orderDiscountRecalculated order discount.49
originalDiscountThe system-generated total discount, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed. This is saved for reference in case the value changes later.49.99
feeTotalRecalculated total fee, calculated as orderedQuantity* itemFeeTotal7.95
originalFeeTotalThe system-generated total fees, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed.7.95
taxTotalRecalculated total tax on an order. summationOfAll(itemTaxTotal)+summationOf(tax[].value)13.45
appeasementTotalThe final appeasement amount.-10
originalTaxTotalThe system-generated total tax, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed.12.93
returnTotalThe return total of order. Calculated as summationOfAll(itemReturnTotal)-3
cancelTotalThe amount to be returned after an order cancellation. Calculated as cancelledQuantity / orderedQuantity * itemTotal85.19
invoiceTotalThe total payment captured by fabrics invoice service. If you are using a third-party service, then this amount will be null. For partial payment scenarios, this value will be different from orderTotal.149.09
orderTotalThe total amount to be charged for the order. Calculated as orderSubTotal - orderDiscountTotal + orderFeeTotal + orderTaxTotal149.09
originalOrderTotalA system-generated order total, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed. This is saved for reference in case the orderTotal changes.234.28
currencyA three-letter currency code as defined by ISO-4217.USD
statusCodeThe current status of the order.ORDER_SHIPPED
statusDescriptionA human readable brief description of the statusCode value.Order Shipped
orderReleasedAtThe order released time (UTC).2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z
createdAtThe order creation time (UTC).2024-02-05T13:21:20.686Z
updatedAtThe timestamp for the latest update that was made to the order (UTC).2024-02-21T20:12:42.127Z
adjustmentTotalThe total price adjustment made to the item.0
originalAdjustmentTotalA system-generated order adjustment total, auto filled by the orders service when an order is placed. This is saved for reference in case the adjustmentTotal value changes.0

The remaining CSV files for adjustments, appeasements, discounts, logs, notes, payments, and shipInfo contain one or more of the following columns.

For example, the adjustment-order CSV file contains columns for orderId, orderNumber, itemId, sku, lineItemId, and lineItemNumber.

Column nameDescriptionExample value
orderIdThe 24-character system-generated order ID.65dce9816a08674c56ecdef2
orderNumberA merchant-defined order identifier. If omitted, this is generated by fabric’s sequence generator using the configuration service.6250002317
cartIdThe unique cart identifier, either from fabric cart service or an external cart service. It’s used for linking an order to a specific cart.5f2d15e8-a837-41a3-9bf1-4467e8e1893a
statusCodeThe current status of the order.ORDER_ALLOCATED
itemIdA system-generated unique identifier of an item from fabric Product Catalog service.1145
channelIdThe merchant-defined sales channel ID.CHS
SKUThe Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), unique identifier of item.P1135
lineItemIdA merchant-defined unique identifier for each item in an order. When omitted, fabric generates it in UUID format during order creation.d538b1f1-0e45-43c6-bfc6-9666fc1188ca
lineItemNumberA merchant-defined line item number to identify each item in an order.15
lineOrderStatusA system generated status for each item in the order.SHIPPED


  1. In the left menu, click Orders.

    The Orders tab is displayed on the Manage Orders page.

  2. To export specific orders, filter the number of orders displayed using the filters on the Orders tab.

    Only the filtered results displayed in the table are exported during the export operation. For example, if you set the filter criteria to Last 7 Days, only the orders from the last seven days are exported.

  3. Click Export.

    The Export Order Activity as CSV or JSON File window is displayed.

  4. In the Export format field, select one of the following:

    • CSV: Select this if you want to export CSV files.
    • JSON: Select this if you want to export a JSON file.
  5. Click Export.

    A zip file containing your export is downloaded.