Acknowledge shipment
For users of fabric Webhook Service, Shipment related events can trigger HTTP callbacks to notify web clients through a merchant-defined URL/URI, typically an API Gateway for a middleware. While the response to fabric Webhook service HTTP call-back may occur, a secondary call-back can use this Acknowledge Shipment endpoint to indicate that a secondary external system has acknowledged this shipment event. Middleware receives the event, transforms it in a suitable format, and sends a success response back to fabric, confirming it received the event. It also sends the transformed event to an external merchant system (typically in XML or JSON).
With this endpoint, middleware immediately sends an asynchronous acknowledgement to fabric, based on shipping ID, to indicate whether the call was successful. This acknowledgement is used for learning, auditing, and taking any necessary action.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
x-fabric-channel-id identifies the sales channel where the API request is being made; primarily for multichannel use cases. The channel ids are 12 corresponding to US and 13 corresponding to Canada. The default channel id is 12. This field is required.
Unique request ID
Path Parameters
24-character system-generated shipment ID. It's generated in the response of Create Shipment - POST /shipments
Shipment acknowledgement details
Shipment acknowledgement time from middleware. If omitted, fabric uses the time (UTC) of Acknowledgement shipment call - POST /shipments/{shipmentId}/acknowledge
Merchant-defined custom attributes. This is a placeholder for addition info (in key: value pairs)
{ "shipmentId": "627963716b19511e8a3a631b" }
Shipment acknowledgement response
Shipment acknowledgement time (UTC)
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