Update allocation attributes
Update allocation attributes by allocationId
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
x-fabric-channel-id identifies the sales channel where the API request is being made; primarily for multichannel use cases. The channel ids are 12 corresponding to US and 13 corresponding to Canada. The default channel id is 12. This field is required.
Unique request ID
Path Parameters
The allocation ID is a fabric system-generated unique ID generated on allocation creation.
Allocation attributes update request details
User defined custom attributes. This is a placeholder for additional info in key value pairs.
{ "attr1": "value" }
A list of keys to be removed.
Allocation response details
24-character system-generated allocation ID
Merchant-specified unique ID. If omitted, this is generated by fabric’s sequence generator using Configuration service.
System-generated time of allocation record creation
Inventory location number to identify ship-from location or Buy Online Pickup from Store (BOPIS) location. This must be the locationNumber
stored in the fabric Location service.
Allocation document version. The version number is incremented each time the allocation document undergoes an update. Update to an allocation document happens automatically when the status changes from one state to another based on the statusCode
Merchant-specified unique number assigned to each allocation. If omitted, is this generated by fabric’s sequence generator using Configuration service
Change history details
Audit log to capture change history
A list of decision contexts.
List of items to be shipped
The details of the allocation item.
This is an inherited attribute from Orders that pertains to item types such as WEB_SHIP, WEB_PICKUP, WEB_SDD INTERNATIONAL, POS, POS_SHIP, and POS_PICKUP.
Inventory location type such as, DC or Store from where the order is picked up
fabric system-generated time when allocation service sent event notification to package tracking service.
During allocation creation, this attribute is inherited from fabric Orders and includes subtypes such as IOS, ANDROID, INTERNATIONAL, among others.
Allocation ID that's generated while creating the allocation for the first time. Initially this will be the same as allocationRequestId
. If there is a reallocation, the parentAllocationId
will be assigned the same value as the initial allocationRequestId
, and will serve as a means of monitoring all subsequent child allocations.
In case of reallocation, it keeps track of previously allocated location numbers.
Previously allocated location numbers
Recipient details like name, email address, and phone number
Order pickup details
Address details
System-generated UUID associated with shipInfo
, generated from CnC service. <p> Note: An order can have multiple ship-to (delivery) locations and items going to the same location have one shipToId
. </p>
Shipping method. This attribute is inherited from order.shipInfo
during allocation creation.
"Parcel Post Delivery"
This attribute is inherited from order.shipInfo
during allocation creation. Acceptable value: SHIP_TO_ADDRESS, CUSTOMER_PICKUP, PICKUP, SDD, SHIP_TO_STORE
Time of order shipment, generated by allocation service when shipment service calls allocation after shipment is created.
Allocation status
Allocation type ALLOCATED: Order is allocated for fulfillment SCRATCHED: Order is canceled during allocation due to unavailability of inventory RETURNED: Allocation created for the return items
System-generated time when allocation record was last modified
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