Shipping methods determine how products are delivered to your customers. Examples of shipping methods include domestic, international, free shipping, and express delivery.

Shipping method costs are in addition to the cost of products in the cart and any applicable taxes.

To navigate to the Shipping methods page, click on Settings in the left menu and then select Shipping Methods.

Shipping Methods Table

The Shipping methods table displays a list of all previously created shipping methods.

You can search for a specific shipping method by entering the shipping method name in the search bar and clicking enter.

Shipping method nameThe carrier name assigned when creating the shipping method.
CostThe shipment cost and currency assigned when creating the shipping method.

Creating Shipping Methods

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Shipping Methods.

    The Shipping Methods page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Shipping method.

    The Create Shipping method page is displayed.

  3. In the Carrier name field, enter a name.

  4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

  5. In the Shipping method code field, enter a shipping method code.

    For example, Same Day Delivery (SDD) or Ship To Home (STH).

  6. In the Shipment cost field, enter the shipping cost.

  7. In the Shipment tax code field, enter the tax code associated with the shipping method.

    Note that this fields value depends on the applicable tax laws and regulations in each jurisdiction you ship from and should be provided by your tax processing service.

  8. (Optional) In the Region field, enter a State or region of delivery.

  9. In the Address Type field, select an address type.

    Certain carriers or methods are sometimes required depending on the address type entered at checkout. For example, when fulfilling orders to an address type with Army Post Office (APO) or Military Post Office (MPO) a unique method or specific carrier might be required.

  10. In the Channel field, select a channel.

    For example, if the method was for international order fulfillment, you would select the international channel.

    fabric has two default channels, Canada and USA.

  11. In the Currency field, select a three-letter currency code.

  12. In the Carrier SLA section, do the following:

    • In the Minimum days to deliver field, enter the minimum duration required to deliver an order starting from the time the order is placed.
    • In the Maximum days to deliver field, enter the maximum duration required to deliver an order starting from the time the order is placed.
    • In the Cut-off time field, enter the time at which the current order day is over. This is used as the daily deadline for a warehouse to process the last order.

    Note: If an order is delivered after the cutoff time, it’s considered as delivered the next working day. For example, if the cutoff time is set to 5:00 PM, any orders delivered after this time will be considered to have been delivered the following business day.

  13. In the Freight Options & Restrictions section, enter the following minimum and maximum dimensions for the shipping method:

    • Enter a minimum & maximum weight.
    • Enter a minimum & maximum length.
    • Enter a minimum & maximum width.
    • Enter a minimum & maximum height.
  14. In the Product Selection section, choose whether the shipping and carrier rules apply to specific products or to a purchase’s entire cart value.

    • To specific products: Use the Add Products button to select eligible products.
    • Cart Value: Enter a minimum and maximum cart value.
  15. Click Save.

The shipping method is created and added to the Shipping method table.

Editing Shipping Methods

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Shipping Methods.

    The Shipping Method page is displayed.

  2. In the Shipping method name column of the shipping methods table, click a method.

    The Edit Shipping method page is displayed.

  3. Make your edits.

    For more information on the shipping method fields, follow the instructions in the Creating Shipping methods document.

  4. Click Save.

The edits are saved.

Delete a Shipping Method

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Shipping Methods.

    The Shipping Method page is displayed.

  2. Mouse over the shipping method you want to delete.

    Two icons appear, edit and delete.

  3. Click the delete icon.

    A confirmation window is displayed.

  4. Click Yes, Delete.

The shipping method is deleted and is no longer visible in the shipping method table.

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