The Shipments tab displays all the shipments associated with a specific order number. This includes the ship date, method, status, fulfillment details, tracking information, and delivery date.

Depending on the allocation location, item, fulfillment logic, and shipping method selected at checkout, multiple shipments might be required for a single order.

Shipment Details

By default, each shipment displays Fulfillment details, Ship date, Shipping Method, and Delivery date. Clicking View more attributes displays the shipment attributes window with additional attributes.

The following table describes the different shipment attributes in the View more attributes window:

Fulfillment detailsThe name, address, and email details for the primary recipient.
Ship dateThe shipment time in UTC format.
Shipping methodThe shipment method used to fulfill the allocation. For example, next day shipping.
Delivered DateThe delivery date. Initially, this value is null. Once delivery is complete, the date and time is displayed in UTC format.
Master tracking numberThe tracking number for all cartons in the shipment.
Location NumberA unique value used to identify the Ship from location. This must be the locationNumber stored in the fabric Location service.
Location typeThe location type. For example, a distribution center (DC) or warehouse.
Shipment IDA system-generated shipment ID (UUID).
Shipment numberA merchant-specified shipment number for an invoice.
Shipment typeThe shipment type, such as, Pickup, Ship_To_Store, or Ship_To_Home, that’s selected by the customer during checkout. This attribute is inherited from the order.shipInfo during allocation creation.
Allocation IDA system-generated allocation ID (UUID) from the Create allocation endpoint. Allocation occurs prior to shipment creation. An allocationId is mandatory to create a shipment.
Vendor IDThe unique Vendor ID. This ID is used in dropshipping scenarios to indicate the vendor responsible for the given item.
Ship fromThe allocation location name and number.
Ship from addressThe full address of the fulfillment location.
Ship toThe shipping address details.
Ship to idA system-generated UUID associated with shipInfo, generated from cart and checkout (CnC) service. Note: An order can have multiple ship-to (delivery) locations and items going to the same location share one shipToId.
PO NumberA merchant-defined purchase order number.
Status CodeThe current shipment status code for the order.
Reshipment reason codeThe reason provided for a reshipment. For example, missing order.
Updated atThe time the last update to shipment was made in UTC format.
Recipient nameThe primary contact’s name.
Recipient emailThe primary contact’s email.
Recipient phoneThe primary contact’s phone number.

Package Details

Each shipment section contains a package table with information on the number of packages, a tracking number, and the package shipment status.

Clicking the arrow next to the shipping status expands the package details section. This reveals additional information on the package details such as the SKUs, quantity of items, cost, events, and attributes. By default, the SKUs tab is selected.

SKU Details

If you want to view the details of a SKU, click the SKU. The Sku Details window is displayed containing two tabs, Pricing and Attributes.

  • For more information on Attributes, visit the Product Attributes section in the Product Catalog documentation.

  • For more information on Pricing, visit the Pricing section in the Offers documentation.


SKUThe stock keeping unit (SKU) used as a unique identifier for an item. Clicking the SKU displays the Sku Details window containing pricing and attribute information.
QuantityIndicates the quantity of a product or SKU.
SKU CostThe total cost of the SKUs before discounts and promotions.
Total CostThe total cost paid by the customer including discounts and promotions.

Event Tracker

Ship fromThe allocation location name and number.
Ship toThe shipping address details.
Tracking numberThe carton tracking number. Each carton has a single tracking number.
ActivityDisplays shipment-specific events provided by the carrier.
DateThe time and date the event was recorded in UTC format.
LocationThe location the event occurred, if applicable.


Promised Delivered DateThe promised delivery date in UTC format provided by the seller.
Carton NumberA merchant-defined unique identifier for a carton.
Tracking numberThe carton tracking number. Each carton has a single tracking number.
Carton TypeThe carton type provided to the carrier. For example, package.
Est. ship dateThe estimated ship date in UTC format provided by the seller based on availability of items, processing time, delivery location, and the selected shipping method.
Est. delivery dateThe estimated delivery date in UTC format provided by the carrier based several factors including the selected shipping method and delivery location.
Shipment methodThe shipment method used to fulfill the allocation. For example, next day shipping.
Shipment carrierThe shipment carrier name.
Total weightThe cartons total weight.

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