To view an orders Basic Details, click the order number in the Manage Orders > Orders table.

The Basic details tab displays an overview of the orders attributes, status, delivery details, customer details, and payment details.

Basic Details Tab

As an order continues through the order lifecycle, attributes are continually updated and added to the order. These attributes are displayed in the Basic details tab. The Basic Details tab contains the following sections:

When an order has more than 16 attributes, the View more attributes button is displayed. If you click View more attributes, all the order attributes are displayed in a new window with searching capabilities.

The following table describes the default order attributes:

Order IDDisplays the unique identifier of the order.
Order typeSpecifies the workflow used to create the order. For example, Storefront orders have a different workflow than Call Center orders. fabric Orders service offers default configurations for Storefront, Call Center, Point of Sale, iOS, Android, and International.
Order subtypeIndicates an order subtype attribute that contains additional information on the order type. This allows additional order data to be captured such as region or device data which was not captured in the order type such as IOS, ANDROID, and INTERNATIONAL.
Date CreatedDisplays the order creation time in UTC.
ChannelDisplays the sales channel ID.
Order TotalSpecifies the total amount to be charged for the order. This is calculated by taking orderSubTotal - orderDiscountTotal + orderFeeTotal + orderTaxTotal. This value also includes the currency that was used for the order.
fraudStatusDisplays the current fraud status.
fraudCheckSessionIdDisplays the unique identifier of the fraud status.
fraudCheckStatusIndicates if the fraud status has changed.
fraudCheckTransIdDisplays a system-generated fraud transaction ID used to track the transaction fraud status.
fraudScoreDisplays a fraud score used to flag an order for fraud, ranging from 0-100.
loyaltyStatusIndicates the customers current loyalty status at the time of order creation.
createdDateDisplays the fraud status creation time in UTC.

Order Summary

The Order summary section displays an overview of the total costs associated with an order such as discounts, fees, taxes, and adjustments.

Customer Details

The Customer Details section displays an overview of the customer details for an order.

To edit a customers basic details, click Edit. The Edit customer details window is displayed. You can update the following details:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Middle name
  • Phone type

Order Status

The Order Status section displays a high-level overview for each SKUs position in the order lifecycle. For more information on each individual order status, visit the Order Statuses section in the Overview.

Orders are separated into shipping groups based on their allocation and shipping methods. For instance, if one item is for pickup only and other items in the same order qualify for free standard shipping, the order is split into Group 1 and Group 2. Each group follows its own order status lifecycle. Additionally, each group shows the following details based on whether the order is for Pickup or Delivery.

  • Fulfillment Details: Displays the customer’s shipping information including the customer name, shipping address, city, state code, zip code, and country.

  • Shipping Method: Displays the orders selected shipping method. For more information, visit the Shipping Methods section in Settings.

  • Pick up details: Displays the orders primary pick up name and the pick up location.

SKU Details

If you want to view the details of a SKU, click the SKU. The Sku Details window is displayed containing two tabs, Pricing and Attributes.

  • For more information on Attributes, visit the Product Attributes section in the Product Catalog documentation.

  • For more information on Pricing, visit the Pricing section in the Offers documentation.

Delivery Summary

The Delivery Summary section displays an overview of the delivery containing shipping location information, the current shipping status, and the total number of packages.

To view more detailed shipment information, you can click Shipment 1 of X. The Shipments detail tab is displayed.

Payment Details

The Payment Details section displays an overview of the orders payment attributes.

The following table describes the default payment attributes:

Payment typeIndicates the payment type, for example, credit card payment providers can be Visa, Mastercard, and American express.
Card numberDisplays the card used to complete the transaction.
Expiration dateDisplays the card expirations month and year.
Payment placed onDisplays a system-generated time created during shipment. This time can instead be captured at checkout during order creation depending on your merchant-defined settings.
Refund amountSpecifies the merchant-defined refund amount. If no refund is issued, this attribute remains blank.
Bill-toDisplays the customer’s billing information, including name, email, and phone details.
Bill-to-addressDisplays the customer’s billing address information including, address lines, city, region, postal code, and country code if applicable.
fabric payment referenceDisplays a system-generated UUID referenced internally for Invoice and Orders services.
Payment providerIndicates the payment provider that processed the payment.
Payment tokenDisplays the payment token provided by the payment provider.
Payment status codeIndicates the current payment status code. For more information visit Payment Statuses in the manage orders overview documentation.
Payment counterDisplays a sequential or incremental counter associated with a payment for an order. This is used in refund scenarios to identify the specific payment for refund.
Transaction idDisplays the system-generated transaction ID.
Partial captureIndicates whether the payment capture is partial. A partial capture is the release of funds that don’t equal the total authorized payment. For example, 7.50 USD of the authorized 10.99 USD payment. The system returns true when the payment is captured partially; otherwise, it returns false.
Final captureIndicates whether the payment capture is final. The point of final capture is when all authorized funds have moved from the customer to the merchant and the payment is successful. The system returns true when the payment capture is final; otherwise, it returns false.
Order sourceDisplays a merchant-defined source indicating where an update was initiated. There are no predefined values; for example, values can be Customer Service Representative (CSR), Point-of-Sale (POS), and Web (e-commerce).
Invoice numberDisplays the merchant-defined unique invoice number. If omitted, this is generated by fabric’s sequence generator using the Configuration service.

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