Alerts Page
The Alerts page shows an overview of the alerts that have occurred. Alerts are organized into groups based on severity: High Alerts, Medium Alerts, Low Alerts, and Total Alerts.
The Alerts page only displays the alerts you created or subscribed to.
Filter controls
The controls on the Alerts page allow you to filter and search for alerts. The following table describes each filter option.
Filter | Description |
Search | Search for an alert by name. |
Severity | Filter by severity, whether High, Medium, or Low. |
App | Filter by the fabric application the event occurred in, whether Products, Orders, or Offers. |
Created at | Filter by the date and time the alert was triggered. |
All Time | Show alerts from a specific timeframe. |
Field descriptions
You can see additional details about alerts in the table at the bottom of the page. The following table describes each field.
Field | Description |
Severity | The severity of the alert, whether High, Medium, or Low. |
Alert Name | The name assigned to the alert. |
App | The fabric application the event occurred in, whether Products, Orders, or Offers. |
Issue count | The number of times the event occurred. |
Created at | The date and time when the alert was created. |
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