Browse your catalog

To view the items in your current catalog and their inventory levels, select Browse Products & Inventory from the Products dashboard.

On the Items page, you have options to filter the view based on several criteria by selecting Filter.

To find any instance of a particular item, use the Search function.

To create a file with the information currently in view, select the Export dropdown and choose the option you require. A download link will arrive at the email address of the account you are using in 5-10 minutes.

Approving products submitted by retail partners

When your retailer submits an import request to your team, you will receive a notification from fabric alerting you that products have been submitted and require action by your team to review and approve the products.

  1. To review the import request your retailer has submitted, select Review Import Requests within the Products Dashboard.

    You will be able to access any current and historical import requests submitted by your retail partner within the Import Requests page.

  2. To review and approve the import request, click the blue ID of the request with a pending status.

  3. Download the file to review all product data submitted by your retailer.

    Ensure the product data in the file submitted by your retailer is thoroughly reviewed to verify its accuracy.

  4. If the product data is correct, click approve. Otherwise, click decline.

    If an import request is declined, we recommend reaching out to your retailer to have the necessary updated/changes made and re-submitted for approval.

Submitting Products to Retail Partners

  1. Navigate to the Products dashboard.

  2. To submit items to your retailer partner, select Submit New Proposal.

    An introduction page is displayed.

  3. Click Get Started.

  4. In the Select Retail Partner field, choose the partner you want to receive your proposal.

  5. Select the Category of products for this proposal.

  6. Select the proposal purpose type from the following options:

    • “I want to submit new products for approval”
    • “I want to proposal changes to my items costs or prices”
    • “I want to submit updated attributes for previously approved products”
  7. Upload the category template with your product information.

    If you need a template, click the Download Sample link in blue.

  8. Click Create Proposal.

    Once your file has been uploaded successfully, you will see Completed displayed. If there are any errors, you will be notified and instructions will appear on possible corrections.

  9. To complete the process, click Review Compatibility.

Dropship will now compare and validate your imported data with the requirements of the retailer who will receive your proposal. If the data is valid, Compatibility Passed is displayed.

If there are any errors, you are notified and instructions appear with possible corrections.

Error Handling

  • Ruleset Error Report: Each proposal’s compatibility check returns an Error Report file. This report includes all SKUs and an itemized list of errors corresponding to them.

  • Ruleset Failure Report: A separate file is generated for items that encountered errors during the compatibility check. You can address these specific items and re-import them without re-processing the entire proposal.

Here you will be able to review all failing attributes (requirements) with instructions on how to resolve them.

  • I want to fix it myself: This option allows your team to resolve the compatibility issues yourself. Your team will need to make the necessary corrections to the failing attributes on the file used to create the proposals. Once corrections have been made to the existing file, you can select the “I want to fix it myself” button to re-import the same file (with corrections) to the affected proposals to clear compatibility issues.

  • Get help from fabric: This option allows your team to submit a request to the Dropship Product Onboarding team for further assistance. Once the product onboarding team has received your request, they will begin reviewing the affected proposal to help clear compatibility errors and enrich product data.

Once compatibility is passing on your proposal, you can proceed to Submit for Approval, which will notify the retailer that there is a proposal to review.

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