Generate URL to import a CSV file
Use this endpoint to create a secured S3 URL to import a CSV file, allowing for bulk data updates from the information within the file. For example, if the data in the file is price type, then only the price related data will be updated. Note that an error will be shown if the type of data included in the file doesn’t match with the data type mentioned in the request body. You must upload only one single file, specifically in the CSV format, to the generated URL.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
The sales channel ID.
A unique identifier obtained from Copilot for the System app in the fabric ecosystem, essential for OpenID Connect authentication flows.
A unique request ID.
A sample request containing file details be uploaded to the generated URL.
The name of the file to be uploaded.
Type of data in the file. The data provided in the file must match with type for successful processing of the file.
A placeholder for additional information.
A sample response containing a generated URL and the file name to be processed.
The AWS S3 URL used to download the data, in a CSV format, of a previous import. The URL is valid for five minutes.
The name of the error file.
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