How to Integrate Backend Applications to Call fabric APIs
General guidelines to integrate with backend APIs or your backend daemon application with the appropriate permissions to call fabric APIs.
Create system app
Create System App with the right set of roles. For details on how to create a System App, refer to
Once the app is created, capture the app credentials including the associated authentication information. To do this, refer to the steps here
Generate access token
Generate an access token using the System App credentials, which include Authorization URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.
This access token is required in the next step to access fabric APIs, such as Product Catalog, Offers, and more.
Perform Login
Trigger the required fabric API, such as the Product Catalog API, to get items from the catalog. Use the generated access token in the Authorization header to authenticate the API request.
Note: Some of the fabric APIs require higher levels of permissions to run successfully. Hence, it is crucial to create the System App with the appropriate set of roles in Step 1.
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