❗️ XM is now called Experiences

Some of fabric’s products are undergoing name changes. XM is becoming Experiences, but you may see the old name in some places as we make the transition.

Global Elements main screen

Sections of your website that are standardized across multiple pages, such as headers and footers, are called Global Elements. Your frontend developer will create a descriptor file for each element and they will appear in the list on the Global Element page when available.

Clicking the Global Elements selection will provide a list of all elements currently available for editing and publication. Using the menu selections at the top, you can list All Global Elements or Archived.


  • Name - the name assigned to the element when it was originally created.
  • Status
    • Live - currently published externally
    • Ended - no longer published externally
    • Draft - page is not live but available for edit
    • Scheduled - going live on date and time indicated
    • Archived (only on Archived page) - available for recall, edit and publication as needed
    • Active - available for use and new version creation
  • Scheduled dates - time and date the element was published or the time you have scheduled the element to go live in the future. This could be an alternate version for a particular event.
  • Last update - time and date of last edit


Global Elements menu

Clicking on any element row will expand the listing for that element and relevant information for each version including status, scheduled publication, and last update.

Mousing over a version in the element list will activate the vertical ellipsis () with a menu of available operations.

  • Edit - add or modify components on the element
  • Make a copy - create a exact copy of the element for editing
  • Preview - view the current elements as it will be rendered live
  • Archive - move element to Archive list where it can be recalled later
  • Delete - delete this version of the element permanently


Creating Global Elements

To create a global element, select Global elements in left column

Click the Add global element button

In the modal box, complete the fields in the General details section.

  • Global element Name - Enter a name that is relevant to the section of your site where this Global element will be used, such as “Main Header”. This will be displayed in the Experiences list of Global elements when you need to revisit it.
  • Global element version name - Start with 1, the date, the promotion event, or the versioning methodology standard for your site


Editing Global Elements

You can edit the default element or create a new version for publication. To edit an element, select the name of the element in the list. A (default) version will appear along with any other versions that have been created. Mouse over the element version and click vertical ellipsis () to bring up the menu and select Edit.

To make a new version of an element, click on it, mouse over the version you want to duplicate, click the vertical ellipsis () to bring up the menu and select Make a copy. Update the version name in the modal box and click the Save button.

Once the fields have been completed, the elements appear in the preview. The phone/tablet/laptop icons at the top of page enable previewing the element in different devices.

🖼️ Click Save to preserve your work for future editing, or click Publish to make the elements live for external viewing. To discard all changes, close or navigate away from the page.

Versioning Global Elements

Global elements versioning in Experiences is accomplished by making a copy of an existing element to use for revisions. Versioning enables you to revert back to any previous element that is still in the list, or schedule future updates to align with promos, seasonal changes, and other related events.

To make a new version of an elements, select it, mouse over the version you want to duplicate, click the vertical ellipsis () to bring up the menu and select Make a copy. Update the version name modal box, click the Save button, and the new element will appear.

The version naming is your choice. Consistency is best.

  • The next serial ascending number such as 1.0, 2.0
  • The creation date of the new version such as 1 October 2021
  • Title if it relates to something relevant such as Fall specials

When your edits are completed, you can click Save as draft to preserve your work for future editing, or click Publish to make the element live now for external viewing or schedule it for future publication. If you choose to Publish this new version it will go Live immediately and change the status of the previously published element to Ended.

Scheduling Global Elements

Versions of global elements can be scheduled for publication in the future. This enables advance planning of content updates for events such as Cyber Monday, promotion launches, or seasonal changes.

Element versions in Draft can be scheduled by clicking the drop-down arrow on Publish and selecting Schedule. Choose a date and time when this page version should be published in the modal box and click Save.

NOTE_:_ The date-time displayed is based on your specific timezone, using your computer’s time setting.
